

  • Box. Preventing acute otitis externa (AOE) (swimmer's ear)*Keep your ears as dry as possible.
  • THURSDAY, Dec. 18, 2014 (HealthDay News) -- Xtoro (finafloxacin otic suspension) eardrops have been approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration to treat swimmer's ear, clinically known as acute otitis externa.
  • Pergamum's DPK-060 Phase II trial on acute external otitis meets primary end-point
  • Not treated, acute otitis externa can be dangerous.This is especially true in diabetics where it can spread and cause an infection of the soft tissues of the base of the skull called Malignant Otitis Externa.
  • Causes: When the ear canal stays damp after swimming, bacteria can grow and lead to an infection called acute otitis externa -- which is different from typical middle-ear infections.
  • An individual who has acute external otitis is likely to experience pain and itching sensations that become worse over the course of two to three days after infection.
  • Swimmer's ear, also known as acute otitis externa, is a condition that results from infection, irritation and inflammation of the outer ear.
  • The FDA also sanctioned the medication as a topical treatment for children and adults with acute otitis externa, an infection more commonly known as swimmer's ear.
  • Swimmer's ear (also known as acute external otitis or otitis externa) differs from the middle ear infections (otitis media) that many children get when they are infants and toddlers.
  • This activity covers the diagnosis and management of acute otitis externa and proposes a grading system to determine severity
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